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First what exactly is "PH"? It means the "Power" or "Potential" of Hydrogen. The PH scale ranges from 0-14. A PH of 7 is known as neutral (water is neutral), anything over 7 is alkaline. The human body, rolling around in its most optimal state, would be alkaline insidebut acid outside.

Now let's talk about this thing called skin PH. What does this imply r
With all the bath and beauty products on the market it may be difficult to know what is "essential" to your bathroom cabinet and what products can be avoided. The truth of the matter is always that proper skin care can be a dedication to oneself to keep up the body and go that step further for making your skin layer look beautiful. Remember that nugget of advice that the ounce of prevent
Many people are not aware of the anti-aging natual skin care things that exist today. A lot of advancements have been made. There are also a lot of harmful ingredients that you will find in almost all skincare products today.

The reason why many organisations start using these harmful ingredients is because they are cheap and easy-to-use. The good news is that you could easily avoid t