SB 2019 by - Guru Who Happens To Be Concerned About ASP2215 cp problem Consistent coefficient capital t R TC ABCA-1 V825I all`ele 3.162 0.078 Zero.074 2.078 0.038 ? LIPG 584C>To genotype Zero.228 Zero.073 2.109 Three.122 2.002 ? LIPG 584C>Big t allele 2.251 3.084 0.105 A couple of.993 2.003 ? MTHFR 677C>To genotype Zero.Hundred fifty eight 2.060 3.092 Two.624 2.009 ? MTHFR 677C>To allele 0.245 3.075 Zero.One hundred fifteen Three.267 Zero.001 ? MYLIP rs375 Thu, 30 Jan 2020 06:23:59 UTC en