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Fe. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2005, 262:231?35. 124. Glaser O: Hereditary deficiencies in the sense of smell. Science 1918, 48:647?48. 125. DeVere R, Calvert M: Navigating Taste and Smell Disorders. New York: demos health; 2011. 126. Vowles RH, Bleach NR, Rowe-Jones JM: Congenital anosmia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1997, 41:207?14. 127. Chu S, Downes JJ: Odour-evoked autobiographical memories
Fe. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2005, 262:231?35. 124. Glaser O: Hereditary deficiencies in the sense of smell. Science 1918, 48:647?48. 125. DeVere R, Calvert M: Navigating Taste and Smell Disorders. New York: demos health; 2011. 126. Vowles RH, Bleach NR, Rowe-Jones JM: Congenital anosmia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1997, 41:207?14. 127. Chu S, Downes JJ: Odour-evoked autobiographical memories
Aximum EA current intensity that a conscious animal can tolerate [3]. Mild muscle twitching was observed. During EA treatment, each rat was placed under an inverted clear plastic chamber (approximately 5 ?8 ?11 inches) but was neither restrained nor given anesthetic. The animals remained awake and still during treatment and showed no observable signs of distress. For sham treatment control, acupun
Aximum EA current intensity that a conscious animal can tolerate [3]. Mild muscle twitching was observed. During EA treatment, each rat was placed under an inverted clear plastic chamber (approximately 5 ?8 ?11 inches) but was neither restrained nor given anesthetic. The animals remained awake and still during treatment and showed no observable signs of distress. For sham treatment control, acupun
Alone did not induce significant increases in ACTH. ACTH(11?4) and astressin blocked EA anti-edema but not EA anti-hyperalgesia. EA induced phosphorylation of NR1, an essential subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor, in CRH-containing neurons of the paraventricular nucleus. Conclusion: The data demonstrate that EA activates CRH neurons to significantly increase plasma ACTH levels
Fect on this animal model in our previous study [3]. Since it is comparable to the treatment procedure but lacks therapeutic effect, we used it as sham control in this study.2.6 Immunohistochemistry Rats in experiment 4 were deeply anesthetized after EA treatment with sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg, i.p.) and immediately perfused transcardially with 4 paraformaldehyde (Sigma) in 0.1 M phosphate b
S was attached to the handles of the needles. The needles and electrodes were stabilized with adhesive tape. EA stimulation was delivered by an electrical stimulator (A300 Pulsemaster, World Precision Instruments) via an isolator (A360D Stimulus Isolator, World Precision Instruments) that delivers steady direct current. This bilateral, cross-limb connection has been used previously by our team and
Aximum EA current intensity that a conscious animal can tolerate [3]. Mild muscle twitching was observed. During EA treatment, each rat was placed under an inverted clear plastic chamber (approximately 5 ?8 ?11 inches) but was neither restrained nor given anesthetic. The animals remained awake and still during treatment and showed no observable signs of distress. For sham treatment control, acupun