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A lice on juvenile Pacific salmon in the Gulf Islands area of British Columbia, Canada. Aquaculture 2009, 297(1?):31?7. Wagner GN, Fast MD, Johnson SC: Physiology and immunology of Lepeophtheirus salmonis infections of salmonids. Trends Parasitol 2008, 24(4):176?83. Jones SRM, Kim E, Bennett W: Early development of resistance to the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr er), in juvenile pink s
Ments on the manuscript and statistical discussion. Thanks to B Cox for assistance in primer testing. Thanks to anonymous reviewers for comments on the manuscript. Author details 1 Centre for Biomedical Research, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 3N5, Canada. 2Aquatic Genomics Research Center, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency
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T direction of fold change. Primers were designed to ensure equal amplification for all species to ensure correct estimates of expression levels, as shown for collagenase-3 log2(qPCR) against log2 (microarray) shown for (B) Atlantic and (C) pink salmon. chm = chum; pnk = pink; atl = Atlantic; AK = anterior kidney; S = skin; gene acronyms are as per the primer table (Additional file 4: Table S2). A
Efenses in fish skin. ISRN Immunology 2012, 2012:853470. 35. Jantzen SG, Sanderson DS, von Schalburg KR, Yasuike M, Marass F, Koop BF: A 44 K microarray dataset of the changing transcriptome in developing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). BMC Res Notes 2011, 4:88. 36. Chain FJJ, Ilieva D, Evans BJ: Single-species microarrays and comparative transcriptomics. PLoS One 2008, 3(9):e3279. 37. K tz D: M
Efenses in fish skin. ISRN Immunology 2012, 2012:853470. 35. Jantzen SG, Sanderson DS, von Schalburg KR, Yasuike M, Marass F, Koop BF: A 44 K microarray dataset of the changing transcriptome in developing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). BMC Res Notes 2011, 4:88. 36. Chain FJJ, Ilieva D, Evans BJ: Single-species microarrays and comparative transcriptomics. PLoS One 2008, 3(9):e3279. 37. K tz D: M
Efenses in fish skin. ISRN Immunology 2012, 2012:853470. 35. Jantzen SG, Sanderson DS, von Schalburg KR, Yasuike M, Marass F, Koop BF: A 44 K microarray dataset of the changing transcriptome in developing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). BMC Res Notes 2011, 4:88. 36. Chain FJJ, Ilieva D, Evans BJ: Single-species microarrays and comparative transcriptomics. PLoS One 2008, 3(9):e3279. 37. K tz D: M